High spatio-temporal resolution TR-PIV below wavy surfacesExperiment
- study boundary layer instability at free-surface of a high-speed water jet
- instability generates mm-waves with strong vortices below
- study interaction of vorticity with free-surface
DiagnosticsVelocity field | TR-PIV | Surface profilometry
| TR-PLIF | Resolution | spatial < 100 µm temporal = 62.5 µs
Physical insight
- primary vortices are responsible for steep surface deformation
- vorticity is generated by the free-surface in sharp troughs
- vortex pairs are formed leading to closing of the waves
Experimental setupResultsSequence (1 every 10 frames) of fluctuating velocity vector field with vorticity as contour map References
- M.A. Andre and P. M. Bardet to appear in Experiments in Fluids 2013, Velocity field and surface profile resolution below steep and short surface waves
- M.A. Andre and P. M. Bardet, Experimental investigation of boundary-layer instabilities on the free surface of a non turbulent jet, Proceedings of the Open Forum on Multi-phase Flows, FEDSM2012-72328
Courtesy of M.A. Andre and P.M. Bardet, The George Washington University, USA