FlowMaster Time-Resolved(High-Speed)PIVsystems measure velocity and acceleration fields and turbulence quantities of transient flow phenomena. Correlated velocity fields are acquired at frame rates up to 100 kHz realized with state-of-the-art high-speed CMOS cameras and high repetition rate lasers. Advanced multi-frame correlation algorithms enable a higher dynamic velocity range and spatial resolution of the velocity field. From correlated velocity dataDaVis TR-PIVsoftware extracts flow features in time and space such as:
time tracks of vortices
time dependence of POD-modes
fluid element tracking
LaVision has long-time experience in determining the most appropriate and cost-effectiveTR-PIVsolution for a wide variety of flow applications. For tailoring the bestFlowMaster TR-PIVsystem we carefully take into account the right choice of seeding particle and, depending on its size, the necessary illumination level and the system’s optimal repetition rate for successful time-resolved PIV measurements.
FlowMaster 时间分辨PIV
large selection of state-of-the-art high-speed cameras: up to 4 Mpixel resolution and tens of kHz frame rates
single or dual cavity high repetition rate lasers
fully synchronized recording with LaVision’s PTU X timing controller
pyramid correlation for extended dynamic velocity range
time based filter for stray light suppression
enhanced temporal resolution using time-super-sampling