更多实验研究结果沙漠蝗虫尾流的漩涡结构 The vortex wake of a desert locust reconstructed from a series of cuboidal fluid volumes captured immediately downstream and phase-averaged over 30 wingbeats 和翅膀扇动动力学及飞行动力学相关联的空气动力学结构 The phase-averaged vortex wake of a representative individual with six planes corresponding to snapshots through the stroke cycle at t/T0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 (where t represents the current time step within the wingbeat, and T is the wingbeat period). The panel slices are coloured by the vertical component of induced flow that is the result of lift. Blue patches correspond to downwash. 尾流形变