

层析PIV - 相关应用和结果


Tomographic PIV of desert locust wakes

Experimental wind tunnel setup showing the position of tethered locusts, camera position and orientation, beam delivery and the illumination volume
Desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) in a wind tunnel, generating detailed, time-resolved description of a flying animal’s wake using tomographig PIV technology
Experimental wind tunnel setup showing the position of tethered locusts, camera position and orientation, beam delivery and the illumination volume
Desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) in a wind tunnel, generating detailed, time-resolved description of a flying animal’s wake using tomographig PIV technology

 Partner: Dr. Richard J. Bomphrey

单台相机拍摄的双帧图像的交替显示. 可以清晰地看到左边逆时针旋转和右边顺时针旋转的涡流。

用低能量激光器照明一个体空间的技术 (这里是高帧频激光器). 4台相机置于开放风洞测量段下方进行层析PIV测量的实验布置图
Partner: Dr. A. Schröder


北京欧兰科技发展有限公司 版权所有 电子邮件:info@oplanchina.com oplan@263.net,
联系电话:010-62623871, 62616041,62612809 传真:010-59713638
地址:北京市,海淀区,上地十街1号,辉煌国际中心1号楼1006室 邮政编码:100085京ICP备07038319号-1
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