


内窥式 PIV

PIV measurements in IC engines, turbo machinery or pumps usually require the manufacturing of costly prototypes with large windows for optical access. LaVision’sFlowMaster Endoscopic PIV systems need less modifications for such experiments because only 8 mm small holes are needed for the laser beam and the camera viewing port, respectively.
The laser endoscope generates the light sheet and is designed to fit at the front end of the articulated laser guiding arm. The camera endoscope is directly attached to the lens of the PIV camera.

FlowMaster 内窥式PIV
  • endoscopic PIV system for minimal optical access, e.g. for closed measurement volumes
  • only holes with 8 mm diameter required
  • ideal for IC engines, turbo machinery or pumps
  • optical distortion correction applying advanced calibration procedures


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