

ParticleMaster IMI
System Features

Interferometric Mie Imaging

LaVision’s ParticleMaster IMI imaging system is optimized for spray investigations of smaller droplets at low and medium droplet densities. Defocused Mie scattering is used to generate a fringe pattern from each droplet with its fringe spacing related to the droplet size. This intererometric sizing method is limited to transparent and spherical droplets. The ParticleMaster IMI system is hardware compatible with LaVision’sFlowMaster 2D or Stereo PIV systems.

Product Information

  • autodetection with droplet location from a single camera
  • droplet size from fringe pattern analysis
  • droplet velocity derived from double frame exposures
  • velocity - size correlations, histograms, scatterplots
Principle of IMI droplet sizing

Shadowgraphy vs. Interferometric Mie Imaging

Both, ParticleMaster Shadow and IMI are based on imaging techniques to measure particle size. Their limit to smaller size is determined by the nature of light. While the shadowgraphy technique uses a direct image, IMI is based on coherent light scattering and allows to extend the range of detectable droplets to even smaller sizes.

Application Matrix


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