

Publications 2005

Multiphoton Autofluorescence Imaging of Intratissue Elastic Fibers

Journal of Biomedical Optics

March/April 2005

Volume 10, Issue 2, 024017


Koenig K.

Schenke-Layland K.

Riemann I.

Stock U.A.


Fluorescence lifetime images and correlation spectra obtained by multi-dimensional TCSPC

Proc. SPIE Vol. 5700 (2005),

Multiphoton Microscopy in

the Biomedical Sciences V


Wolfgang Becker,

Axel Bergmann,

Elke Haustein,

Zdenek Petrasek,

Petra Schwille,

Christoph Biskup,

Tiemo Anhut,

Iris Riemann,

Karsten Koenig


In vivo multiphoton tomography of inflammatory tissue and melanoma

SPIE 2005 



Iris Rieman,

Enrico Dimitrow,

Martin Kaatz,

Joachim Fluhr,

Peter Elsner,

Jens Kobow,

Karsten Koenig


Imaging of cardiovascular structures using near-infrared femtosecond multiphoton laser scanning microscopy

Journal of Biomedical Optics 10(2), 0240171 (March/April 2005)



Katja Schenke- Layland,

Iris Riemann,

Ulrich A. Stock,

Karsten Koenig

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