

Product description

The MPTflex is a CE-certified medical tomograph based on femtosecond multiphoton (two-photon) excitation of fluorescent biomolecules like NAD(P)H, flavins, porphyrins, elastin, and melanin. The extracellular matrix protein collagen can be identified by its second harmonic generation (SHG). Autofluorescence and SHG signals are recorded by fast PMT detectors with single photon sensitivity.
The tomograph consists of a compact, turn-key tunable femtosecond near infrared (NIR) laser, an articulated arm with NIR optics, a beam- scanning module with galvoscanners and piezo -driven optics, a two-PMT-detector module as well as a control unit including JenLab Image software for image processing. An additional module for two-photon in-vivo FLIM as well as two-photon microendoscopy can be provided.

In vivo wide field image on human skin (forehead) of 4x3 mm². (Green:autofluorescence; Red:SHG) (Please click at the image for higher resolution)

New: MPTflex with wide field imaging module for multiphon image acquisition of up to 5x5mm².

In vivo wide field image on human skin of 2x1,5 mm². (Please click at the image for higher resolution)

Vertical section (XZ-Scan) of autofluorescence signals of human skin in vivo.

Vertical section (XZ-Scan) of autofluorescence ( green) and SHG (red) signals of human skin in vivo.

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