


  • Software: DaVis 7, Tomographic PIV package.
  • Number of vectors 174 x 32 x 117 = 651 456.
  • Interrogation volume 48 x 48 x 48 voxel, 75% overlap.
  • Paper:International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2006 (Goettingen)
  • Improved results have been achieved by self calibration
    (less noise in the vector volume) and an enlarged reconstructed volume:

    Time resolved iso lambda 2 plot.
    Primary and secondary vortices are moving downstream with time. The time evolution of small vorticity structures is visible 点击这里观看下载电影动画(AVI: 0 - 10s 17MB).

    32 instantaneous vector planes
    at time t = 0 ms. Every second vector is displayed in the x and z direction
    点击这里观看下载电影动画(AVI 9MB).


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