


2014年9月16日    阅读次数: 355   

New insights from correlation between exhaust emissions and in-cylinder lambda value measurements

Monday, 5. May 2014

Emission phenomena during transient engine operation analyzed with ICOS-System will be presented at the 11th International Symposium on Combustion Diagnostics.
At the 11th International Symposium on Combustion Diagnostics, 1.-2. July in Baden-Baden, the KIT Karlsruhe and LaVision will present a paper analyzing hydrocarbon and soot particle emissions from a direct injection engine running the WLTP driving cycle. Important insights could be made by correlating the emission behavior to crank angle resolved in-cylinder lambda values measured with LaVision’s ICOS-System.

In the near future the new certification driving cycle of the World-Harmonized Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) defined by UNECE (United Nations Economic Comission for Europe) will strengthen the focus on the transient behavior of engines and their emissions. The KIT started to evaluate the real driving emissions of hydrocarbons and soot particles on a 6-cylinder engine. The lambda value was measured by an ICOS-System and correlated to fast test bed exhaust emission analysis. The paper “Cycle-resolved combustion diagnostics of a direct injection gasoline engine in transient operation” by Ch. Disch et al. will be presented during the conference giving insights in how detailed in-cylinder lambda measurements is used to further explain engine emission behavior under transient conditions.

The conference “International Symposium on Combustion Diagnostics” is one of the most important events for combustion diagnostics organized by AVL. For more information please refer to the conference webpage.
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